Why KIQ Cloud? Some knowledge ahead of CCW 2020

Why KIQ Cloud? Some knowledge ahead of CCW 2020

It’s now less than a week until we arrive in the Gold Cost for the contact centre event of 2020 – Contact Centre Week Australia and New Zealand. Ahead of the event we wanted to remind you of some of the key areas of focus that knowledge management assists with. Our...
Knosys ‘We Wine’ Singapore Launch

Knosys ‘We Wine’ Singapore Launch

Earlier this month we asked our contacts in Singapore along to a celebration of Australian wine and knowledge management to help launch our new office and get us acquainted with our local customers. We invited a range of different company representatives that we...
Your Workplace Mental Health Checklist

Your Workplace Mental Health Checklist

We spend a huge chunk of our lives at work, thinking about work, otherwise engaged with workplace activities. We measure ourselves on the performance of our work and strive for that promotion, that raise, that acknowledgement! Mentally – the pursuit of workplace...
7 Ways to Empower your Employees Today

7 Ways to Empower your Employees Today

CX and EX are all over business media. It’s almost as if we’re realising the importance of experience for the first time. Improved productivity is reliant on your employee’s experience and how valued they feel, while increased turnover is about how your customers...
How to achieve systemic customer confidence

How to achieve systemic customer confidence

We hear it time and time again – the story of failure. The payment platform that fails on ‘Cyber Monday’, the power that goes out during every storm and every heat wave, dissatisfaction with NBN. It’s always something.  Every time a company, a...

Annual reports

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