Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for WA signs 5-year contract for KnowledgeIQ

by | Sep 5, 2024 | Success Stories, Products

Knosys Limited (ASX: KNO), (“Knosys” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia has awarded a five (5) year contract for the use of Knosys’ market leading knowledge management platform, KnowledgeIQ, with two options of one year each to extend the contract to a total term of seven years.

The value of the contract over the maximum seven-year term is expected to be $985,000.

This contract validates the Company’s position as a leading enterprise Knowledge Management solution provider in Australia to government and financial institutions.

Knosys Managing Director, John Thompson said, “The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for WA ran a competitive tender process and it is pleasing that we were selected above our competitors to deliver this important project. This adds to our portfolio of local and state government agencies using our technology, with Knosys being the current vendor to the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions.

View the ASX Announcement here.

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